Our first love! We started building Web sites in 1996 and have been involved in developing some form of online presence ever since. The Web is the foundation and it’s not going anywhere. But that’s great! It means that the lessons we have learned over the years are still relevant to the challenges businesses like yours face today.

Tell me more about this foundation, you may say. Glad you asked.

In the beginning, we were asked to build sites we affectionately labeled “brochure ware”. We would talk about the company, the product lines, the management team and maybe, naively, a generic email inbox where we thought we would take customer feedback but instead generated a steady flow of spam.

Very quickly, we had to think about how the Web could generate new business. We started with Paid Search when that evolved in the early 2000s and then moved to social advertising in the 2010s, followed quickly by personalization, programmatic ads, and retargeting.

But the foundation of it all is still your Web site. You control the message, the words, the images, the data. It can either be a warm welcome that communicates trust or it can be … something different.

Well written, useful content will grow in authority over time and provide a baseline level of traffic through Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Investing in high-quality, free content is your way of telling the world that your organization matters. And we are here to help you with that!